Wheatfield Ward
Layton Utah Legacy Stake
Sand Springs Building
3161 West 150 North
Layton, Utah 84041-8808
Sun 9:00 am - Sacrament meets first
Sacrament Meeting Program
March 23rd, 2025
Opening Hymn | #263
Go Forth With Faith
Invocation: Sister Ava Lessig
Ward/Stake Business
Sacrament Hymn | #1009
Administration of the Sacrament
Speaker: Lydia Crawford
Musical Number | Konner West, Ella Crawford
Playing Viola
Accompanied by: Kali Judd
I Know That My Redeemer Lives
Speaker: Sister Liviya Knowlton
Closing Hymn | #1021
I Know That My Savior Loves Me
Benediction: Sister Rylee Smith
We continue to have our church buildings vandalized. Please review this document before using the church facilities as a reminder to help keep our church buildings secure & safe.
Mission Prep: 4pm-5pm @ the Stake Center. Dates included:
March 23rd
April 13th & 27th
May 4th
Contact Lisa Fullmer (tryoysfave@yahoo.com) or Julie Parkiinson (julieparkinson@mac.com) for more info.Thursday, March 27th: Elders Quorum Activity: 7pm @ the Davis Catalyst Center. Sweet 16 basketball game on the video wall, food, and tours of the center available. Bring your friends/family and check it out!
Ward Temple dates: Each month, our ward family has the opportunity to gather to attend the temple together, strengthening our bonds and deepening our faith. Dates included are:
Saturday, April 19th
Tuesday, May 6th
Thursday, June 19th
For more info and/or questions, contact Rashago Kemp (801-400-5735)Stake Conference: More info here.
Saturday, March 29th: @ Stake Center
3:30-5:30pm Leadership Session
7:00-9:00pm Adult Evening Session
Sunday, March 30th: @ Stake Center
10:00am-12:00pm General Session
General Conference: All are welcome and invited to hear messages of hope, peace and the joy of eternal life made possible through the atoning sacrifice and Resurrection of Jesus Christ during the annual broadcast of General Conference.
Saturday, April 5th:
Morning session: 10 am to noon
Afternoon session: 2 pm to 4 pm
Evening session: 6 pm to 7:30 pm
Sunday, April 6th:
Morning session: 10 am to noon
Afternoon session: 2 pm to 4 pmApril 14th-18th: Mill Assignment: We have the opportunity to serve in the mill again this upcoming year. If you would like to volunteer, click here to sign up. To learn more about the Mill, click here.
Tuesday May 13th: Stake Blood Drive: 2pm-7pm @ the Sandsprings building. The American Red Cross will be hosting two blood drives in our stake in 2025: May and October. This is a special opportunity to serve others in need. This link will take you directly to the sign-up pages on the American Red Cross website. The October sign-up is not available yet, but will be soon.
May 2025, Youth Boys Grand Canyon trip: Click here & here for more info.
Stake Children's Choir: All primary kids ages 8-11 are invited to participate. Click here for more info.
Spring Institute: 7pm @ Burton Lane Chapel (162 E Burton Lane). For all YSA in the Layton/Kaysville area. Dinner will be provided after. Click here for more info.
Easter Program: We are looking for those interested in doing a musical number during the sacrament meeting for the Easter Program. If that is you, please message Stacy Johnson (801-856-0791) if interested.
Stake Music: The Layton Legacy stake music committee would like to establish a list of people within the stake who have musical skills such as the ability to play musical instruments or sing. If you have a musical talent and are willing to share, please fill out the form click here.
Reach out to 801-540-1405 for any announcements updates to the website.